Membership Benefits

  • Subscription (online and hardcopy) to the Gait and Posture (8 issues of the journal per membership period). Official journal of ESMAC, a vehicle for the publication of up-to-date basic and clinical research on all aspects of locomotion and balance. The Elsevier offers to ESMAC members almost 75% discount on the regular subscription fee for a price of 76€. Please log in to the “Members only” area and click the bookmark “Gait & Posture” to learn the rules how to claim the discount for the journal subscription.
  • Reduced registration fees to Annual Meetings of ESMAC.
  • Voting rights at ESMAC Annual General Meeting.
  • Possibility to apply for Travel Scholarships, the Mentorship Program, and the Visiting Fellowship program
  • Access to “Members-only area“ of the ESMAC website which includes:
    • your personal account,
    • the ESMAC Newsletter,
    • access to the society’s Official documents,
    • meetings materials,
    • polls,
    • access to custom made apps and programs,
    • and video lectures of keynotes speakers and other lectures.
  • Opportunity to shape the ESMAC website by suggesting to publish the particular job offers, interesting resources links and events.

Accessing the Gait and Posture online for current ESMAC members

Please access the journal(s) through:

You can use the same username and password to access the content. You can log in using the “Sign in” functionality at the top right of the page. If you have not yet activated your access, please contact the Elsevier Secretariat for instructions how to activate your access.

*The membership at affiliated societies is checked by ESMAC Secretariat with respective societies (SIAMOC / SMALLL / CMAS / SOFAMEA / GAMMA / GCMAS).