National Societies & Coordinators

ESMAC as a European Society has affiliations to gait analysis societies both within as outside Europe which you find below.
For gait researchers wanting to network within their region where there is not yet a formal society please be referred to ESMAC National Coordinators listed below.

Society of Movement Analysis in the Low Lands (SMALLL)

Netherlands & Belgium (Flanders)

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SMALLL aims to act as an association for individuals who work in or are otherwise involved in the field of clinical movement analysis in the Dutch language area. SMALLL tries to achieve this goal by:

Promoting the development of movement analysis to support clinical diagnostics in patients with postural and musculoskeletal disorders.

The promotion of scientific research into human movement

The promotion of scientific research into the phenomenology and etiology of pathological human movement.

Developing standards regarding instrumentation, research methods and procedures as used in clinical movement laboratories.

Promoting cooperation between the Dutch/Flemish movement laboratories with regard to research, development and implementation of clinical movement analysis. – promoting training in the methods and techniques of clinical movement analysis.

Promoting multidisciplinary cooperation between doctors, paramedics, movement scientists and technicians in the field of clinical movement analysis, in the broadest sense.

Representing the interests of clinical movement laboratories and workers in these laboratories, in the context of the scientific forums and health care.

To participate in international forums in the field of clinical movement analysis.

Société Francophone d’Analyse du Mouvement chez l’Enfant et l’Adulte (SOFAMEA)


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SOFAMEA (Société Francophone d’Analyse du Mouvement chez l’Enfant et l’Adulte) has been formed over the years with two key events in its history:

Jan 2001 – Establishment of the Child and Adult Movement Analysis Group (GAMEA)

Jan 2008- The working group becomes a learned society under the name of Société Francophone d’Analyse du Mouvement chez l’Enfant et l’Adulte (SOFAMEA).

The creation of this group was born from a request from the European Society for Movement Analysis in Adults and Children (ESMAC).

SOFAMEA is thus a relay between French and European researchers.

Societa’ Italiana di Analisi del Movimento in Clinica (SIAMOC)


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Italian Society of Analysis of Movement in Clinic founded in Pisa on June 11, 1999


Promote the study and clinical applications of movement analysis methods in order to improve the evaluation of motor disorders, increase the effectiveness of treatments through quantitative data analysis and more focused treatment planning, and also to quantify the results of current therapies


Doctors of different specialties




Official Journal: Gait and Posture (Elsevier)

Close connection with the Related Companies:

ESMAC (European Society for Movement Analysis in Children)

GCMAS (Gait and Clinical Movement Analysis Society)

ISPGR (International Society of Posture and Gait Research)

Collaboration between groups with different professional skills.

The Society is open to collaboration with other national and international scientific societies and to activating mutually beneficial initiatives.

The SIAMOC is included in the list of scientific societies accredited by the Ministry of Health for the drafting of guidelines that doctors and health workers must adhere to in the performance of health services, in implementation of article 5 of the Law 8 March 2017, n. 24 (Gelli Law) and the Ministerial Decree 2 August 2017.

Advantages for Members:

Discounted subscription to Gait & Posture magazine (with access also to the electronic format through Science Direct)

Password access to the reserved area of the SIAMOC website containing educational material and tutorials

Reduction of registration fees for the Annual Congresses of the SIAMOC and the Related Companies

Participation in training offers on topics related to movement analysis, dynamic electromyography, interpretation and clinical use of instrumental data

Space on the SIAMOC website to advertise events of interest to Members

Possibility of including one’s laboratory in the archive of existing movement analysis laboratories in Italy (visible from the outside)

Participation in prizes at the National Congress: SIAMOC Graduation Award, SIAMOC-Elsevier Awards (Clinical and Methodological), Internships for young researchers

Movement Analysis Society of UK and Ireland (CMAS)

UK & Ireland

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A national group for those involved in gait analysis was first suggested in 2000 – the fledgling organization was called GLUK (Gait Labs UK).

Over the next 2 years the society gathered support and on March 3rd 2002 the inaugural meeting was held. A constitution was agreed and a working committee established at this meeting. The membership elected CMAS as the new name. The new society was expanded to include all those working in movement analysis in the UK and Ireland with the aim of a coordinated approach to movement analysis standards and professional matters.

CMAS was registered with Companies House as a company limited by guarantee in December 2011 (Number: 07867082) and subsequently became a charitable company in July 2012 (Number: 1148105).

CMAS membership includes physiotherapists, clinical scientists and engineers, consultant orthopaedic surgeons, consultant paediatricians, researchers and others with an interest in movement analysis. The majority work with or in clinical gait analysis laboratories.

Gesellschaft für die Analyse Menschlicher Motorik in ihrer klinischen Anwendung (GAMMA)

Germany, Switzerland, Austria

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The Society for the Analysis of Human Motor skills and their clinical application (GAMMA) is committed to establishing instrumental gait and movement analysis in clinical diagnostics as a common examination method. GAMMA is about the following objectives:

Promotion of (interdisciplinary) cooperation of gait analysis staff in the interpretation of gait and movement analysis data

Integration and establishment of gait and movement analysis in everyday clinical practice (e.g. orthopedics, neuroorthopedics, physiotherapy)

Organization of advanced training courses on clinical gait and movement analysis

Organization of regular conferences for scientific exchange and study planning

Conducting workshops with practical problems or discussing case studies

Standardization recommendations (spating and technical equipment of a gait or motion analysis laboratory, execution and evaluation of motion analyses, interpretation of gait analysis data)

Networking with national and international companies with similar topics

GCMAS: The Gait and Clinical Movement Analysis Society

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clinical_movement2.jpgThe Gait and Clinical Movement Analysis Society (GCMAS) is a multi-disciplinary organization of physicians, allied health professionals, engineers, biomechanists and scientists working together to advance scientific knowledge, technical capabilities, and clinical practice in the field of human movement.

The mission of GCMAS is to improve functional outcomes and quality of life for individuals with any movement disorder at any age. We apply the latest technology and professional knowledge to measure, evaluate, and understand human movement, provide a forum for professional interaction and exchange of ideas, promote education, stimulate research, and disseminate current knowledge and best practices to enhance human movement and health.

Membership is available to all professionals and students interested in motion analysis, gait analysis, or the study of human movement. Information for individuals and families interested in learning about motion analysis or finding a motion analysis laboratory or gait laboratory will be added in the future.

National Coordinators

Czech Republic
Great Britain
Andreas Kranzl
Kenneth Meijer
Karel Urbasek
Fabien Leboeuf
Sebastian Wolf
Neil Postans
Han Houdijk
Zimi Sawacha
Małgorzata Syczewska
Morgan Sangeux